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Double Dragon Nes

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From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

The Double Dragon Story Double Dragon is the story Ot and Jimmy Lee. Twin brothers who learned to tight on the cold, tough streets of the city Their expert knowledge Ot the martial arts, combined with their street-smarts, has made them both tormidable fighting machines But now Billy is With his greatest challenge. Part of what made Double Dragon so great was the 'double' part. Taking that away made the game half as exciting. Taking that away made the game half as exciting. Also, because of the lack of processing power on the NES, some of the enemy characters were removed, and a most of the animation was toned down. Double Dragon was the first successful beat-em-up series. The arcade game took plenty of quarters from kids wanting desperately to beat up Willy and rescue Marian. The NES port was similar to the arcade game. Double Dragon is a game credited, in part, with the popularity of the beat-em-up genre in the arcade craze of the 1980s and 1990s. Double Dragon was followed by two arcade sequels and numerous home versions for various platforms. The three NES versions (along with the first two Game Boy games and the SNES-exclusive installment) were actually developed by Technos themselves, while most of the other versions were licensed out and developed by other companies.

< Double Dragon (NES)

Double Dragon (NES) | Table of Contents | Walkthrough

Table of Contents


  • : Use the direction pad to control Billy Lee. Press the pad in the direction that you would like Billy to move. When standing near a ladder or chain link fence, you may use the pad to climb up or down these surfaces.
  • : Press the punch button to attack your enemies with your fists.
  • : Press the kick button to attack your enemies with your foot.
  • +: Press the both buttons together to leap into the air. Press the jump button while holding the joystick left or right to jump in either direction. Once you reach level 3, the regular jump is replaced with the Jump Kick attack.
  • : Press the Start button to begin a new game, or to pause the action mid-game.
  • : Press Select to access the main menu from the title screen, and to choose from among the various modes in the game.


Double Dragon Nes Online

Mode B

Vimeo password protect video. Throughout the game, you are in control of Billy Lee. If you are playing Mode A in a two player game, both players take turns as Billy. Billy is a well trained and highly skilled martial artists. He is on a mission to rescue Marion from the Black Warriors gang who have kidnapped her. To do this, he will have to travel through several regions that are broken up into four 'missions.' In each mission, he will have to do battle with large numbers of gang members, including one particularly strong member who serves as the boss for the end of the mission.

Billy can take a great deal of damage before succumbing to his wounds. A health meter is displayed at the bottom of the screen. When full, it contains fourteen units of health. If Billy sustains enough damage to empty their health meters, he will fall over and lose one life. Each player begins the game with three lives, with no opportunity to earn any more, regardless of score. If all of the players lives are lost, the game is over, with no opportunity to continue. This leads many to consider this version of Double Dragon particularly difficult.

Combat techniques[edit]

Double dragon 3 nes rom

Just as in the arcade version of Double Dragon, Billy Lee has access to a wide variety of moves. Unlike the arcade version, not all of Billy's moves are immediately available to him. The Black Warriors fight rough, and it will take Billy some time to learn how they move and discover new ways to put his tactics to use. As he fights enemies, he earns fighting experience with each hit. After earning 1000 points of experience, Billy's fighting ability will increase by one level, up to a maximum of seven levels. At each level, he gains access new techniques. Certain new techniques will replace old ones, making the original techniques unavailable.

Level 1
Experience earned: 20
Description: The punch is Billy's most basic technique. He uses both fists when fighting, so tapping the punch button will result in one punch being thrown, followed by the other. Swing consecutive punches to keep an opponent stunned.
Experience earned: 15
Description: Kicks are another staple of Billy's fighting style. When kicking an opponent, he will perform a kick to the abdomen. Kicks are twice as strong as punches, but they come out slower, so it's harder to keep an enemy stunned with kicks alone.
Input: or
Experience earned: 12
Description: A head-butt is performed by rapidly tapping the direction pad twice to the left or the right. This move does not have a long range, and it can put you at risk of being counter attacked if you miss, but it may save your life if you are surrounded at close range.
Input: +
Experience earned: 0
Description: At level 1, Billy can jump, but he cannot attack in mid-air. Jumping can be used as an attempt to escape danger, or overcome obstacles. You can jump straight up, or you can jump to the left or the right by holding the joystick in either direction when you jump.
Level 2
Input: on a stunned opponent
Experience earned: 10
Description: After the first level increase, Billy learns to increase the effectiveness of his punches. If he stuns an opponent, the nest punch thrown will be an uppercut. Landing an uppercut will knock the enemy down.
Input: on a stunned opponent
Experience earned: 10
Description: The first level increase also improves Billy's kicking technique. When kicking a stunned opponent, Billy will perform a roundhouse. If the roundhouse connects uninterrupted, the enemy will be knocked down.
Level 3
Jump kick
Input: +
Experience earned: 12
Description: This move is so helpful, you'll want to reach the third level as quickly as possible. Once you do, Billy's ordinary jump is replaced with the jump kick. You can still jump kick straight up or in either direction. Any enemy hit with the jump kick is knocked down, no matter how big or strong. However, be careful jump kicking from too far away. Smart enemies will dodge your kick by ducking. Also be aware that some enemies will also learn how to jump kick when you do!
Level 4
Input: Push forward while an enemy is stunned
Experience earned: 0
Description: When you reach the fourth level, you gain the ability to grab your enemy's hair when they are stunned and leaning forward. From this position, you can execute multiple knee bashes to the face, or the powerful over-the-shoulder throw. Note that you can't grab Abobo, nor will you earn any experience from the following attacks.
Input: while grabbing an enemy
Experience earned: 0
Description: When you grab hold of an enemy by the hair, you can bash them in the head with your knee. There is a limit to how much you can do this however. After four hits from your knee, the opponent will collapse, and you will be forced to let go.
Input: while grabbing an enemy
Experience earned: 0
Description: While you still have your opponent by the hair, it is possible to throw them over your shoulder. Doing so will send them flying and they will land on their back. To do the most damage to your opponents, it is best to knee them in the head three times before throwing them. Beware of attacks from behind while you are holding on to an enemy's hair.

Double Dragon Nes Emulator

Level 5

Double Dragon Snes

StraddleFace punch
Input: over a downed opponent
Experience earned: 0
Description: Once you reach level five, you earn the ability to straddle a fallen opponent. From this position, you can punch them in the face. However, not all enemies are susceptible to straddling. Some enemies will kick you off of them if they still have enough strength, and some enemies won't let you straddle them at all. Note that you can press to stand up at any time.
Input: while straddling an opponent
Experience earned: 0
Description: If you successfully straddle an opponent and they don't throw you off, you can essentially punch them in the face until they are completely knocked out. You don't earn any experience for this move, and you do have to beware of enemies that may interrupt you and attack you from behind, but it's a quick way to end a fight.
Level 6
Input: when an enemy is close behind
Experience earned: 3
Description: It will be very late in the game before you gain access to the powerful elbow move that proves to be phenomenally effective in the arcade version of the game. Even so, once you earn it, you may find it quite as useful. It's still quite damaging, but the game determines when you can use it. It will only occur if an enemy is standing behind you. If there is another threat in front of you, pressing will result in a regular punch. What's more, enemies in the NES version are not as averse to attacking you from behind as they are in the arcade version, so they may strike you before you get a chance to hit them with it.
Level 7
Spinning roundhouse
Input: on a stunned opponent
Experience earned: 0
Description: The very last move that you earn in the game is the spinning roundhouse attack. This move replaces the ordinary roundhouse as the finishing kick that you use against stunned opponents. Not only does it look cool, it does a great deal of damage, and it knocks enemies down rather quickly. You'll need it to survive the challenges that you'll face towards the end of the game.


While you do not begin the game with any weapons, it's possible to pick up, and utilize, any weapons that you have knocked loose from opponents' hands. To pick up a weapon, you must stand over them while they are on the ground, and press punch to bend down and collect them. Note that while you are collecting a weapon, you are vulnerable to attack. Be aware that your opponents can also knock weapons out of your hands, and pick them up to use against you. Also note that it is not possible to grab an opponent while you are holding a weapon. You may use any available weapon until you get the thumbs up to proceed to the next section, at which time any existing weapons disappear.

  • Melee weapons: It is possible to pick up a bat or whip and use them against your opponents by pressing the punch button. These are the only weapons that help you earn fighting experience (30 points per hit) and will always knock down the opponent. Enemies will be cautious when you possess one of these weapons, and will be hesitant to approach you if you swing them constantly.
  • Throw weapons: Some enemies carry around knives or sticks of dynamite. If you pick one of these weapons up, pressing the punch button will cause you to throw them. A knife can be thrown across the screen, and can cause more damage than any unarmed attack. A stick of dynamite is thrown to the ground near your feet. Shortly after it lands (whether it was trhown by you, or dropped by an enemy), it flashes before detonating. Anyone caught in the blast, including yourself, will lose a significant amount of health. You earn no experience points for using either weapon.
  • Heavy weapons: During the game, you may encounter barrels or crates, or even boulders. These heavy weapons can be picked up and thrown at opponents for a good amount of damage by pressing punch. Crates simply bounce off the floor or any nearby walls that they hit, but barrels and boulders will continue to roll forward in the direction they were thrown after they land. You also earn no experience points with these weapons.

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Double Dragon Nes Walkthrough

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